Al-Wefaq Rejects Referring Opposition Leader for Investigation..Insists It’s a Trial of Conscience Freedom

2016-01-26 - 11:38 م

Bahrain Mirror: Al-Wefaq National Islamic Society voiced its opposition to referring its Secretary-General Sheikh Ali Salman, a prisoner of conscience, by the authorities to Bahrain's Public Prosecution to be interrogated again on Sunday (January 24, 2016).

Al-Wefaq insisted that this action is against the constitution and law, and contradicts with all international conventions and agreements as well as Bahrain's commitments to respect the principle of freedom of opinion and expression.

Al-Wefaq said that summoning Sheikh Ali Salman from prison and launching a new case following more than a year of imprisonment is unacceptable since it contradicts with all the international recommendations including that of the UN Special Rapporteur on freedom of opinion and expression.

Al-Wefaq stressed that Sheikh Salman did not commit a crime or practice a criminal role or act. Referring him to the prosecution over charges of writing tweets, according to the Ministry of Interior, in which he expressed his opinion that supports reform and the importance of democracy is a blatant prosecution of freedom of conscience and freedom of thoughts and expression. In accordance with what Article 69 of the Bahraini Penal Code, "the restrictions on the right to expression in this Act or in any other Act is interpreted in the framework necessary for a democratic society in accordance with the National Action Charter and the Constitution. It is considered to be exempt excuse to practice the freedom of expression in this context."

Al-Wefaq further stressed that the Secretary-General always called for humanitarian values, principles and rights, the most prominent of which is his permanent call for dialogue, coexistence, and his demand for democratization, social justice, equality, as well as respecting human rights and national unity.

The opposition society also demanded putting an end to these new summonings and called for the immediate release of Sheikh Salman, since his arrest in unjustified. He is a national leader who has a guaranteed role in maintaining coexistence and civil peace and adopting the language of dialogue and communication.

Arabic Issue

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