Imams of Friday Prayers to Resume Holding Prayers in Diraz and Shiite Mosques across Bahrain

2016-07-14 - 6:13 م

Bahrain Mirror: Imams of Friday and congregational prayers announced that they will resume holding prayers in Shiite mosques starting from last night (July 13, 2016), including the Imam Al-Sadiq Mosque in Diraz after prayers were brought to a halt for approximately 4 weeks due to pressures and threats by the authorities.

The authorities had prevented the performance of the largest prayer for Shiites in Imam Al-Sadiq Mosque and issued a decree banning Friday Imam and cleric Sheikh Mohammad Sanqour from preaching and delivering sermons and summoned others for interrogation.

Arabic Version


التعليقات المنشورة لا تعبر بالضرورة عن رأي الموقع

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