BFHR Launches Report about Detained Al-Wefaq Leader Sheikh Hasan Isa Entitled “Trial of Conscience under the Pretext of Terrorism”

2017-08-29 - 11:01 م

Bahrain Mirror- Exclusive: Bahrain Forum for Human Rights (BFHR) launched on Tuesday (August 29, 2017) a report about detained Al-Wefaq leader and former MP Sheikh Hasan Isa entitled "Trial of Conscience under the Pretext of Terrorism".

The report monitors the malicious lawsuit and the trial of Sheikh Hasan Isa and the 10-year sentence issued against him because of his political, social and religious activities and roles.

The report includes Sheikh Isa's biography, background of his arrest, the malicious lawsuit and arbitrary detention, the proceedings of the trial sessions, violating the guarantees of fair trial standards as well as infographics about him.

BFHR indicated that Sheikh Hasan Isa was arrested at Bahrain International Airport after his return to Bahrain on August 18, 2015. He was subjected to enforced disappearance for 20 days, his family and lawyer didn't know his place of detention or the charges brought against him. When he was referred to the Public Prosecution on September 7, 2015, his lawyer could only meet him for 3 minutes.

The forum further stated that Sheikh Hasan Isa spent more than 700 days in solitary confinement in an illegal way and tackled the malicious charge "funding terrorism" brought against Sheikh Isa based on "confidential information", adding that "the information of the investigating officer is vague and incomplete and can't confirm the existence of evidence of conviction, which lead to the conclusion that they are invalid and the resulting procedures are invalid, whether they were the procedures of arrest of procedures of interrogations of sheikh Hasan Isa."

The report also discussed other violations committed during Sheikh Isa's trial including "violating the right to freedom, right to know the charges and the reasons for the arrest, right to have contact with the outside world, right to lawyer, right to preserve human dignity and not being subjected to torture, right to attend court hearings and right to access information about the accused."

BFHR recommended to abolish the sentence of Sheikh Hasan Isa and release his along with the rest of the detainees; establish a mechanism to ensure providing guarantees for the independence of judiciary in Bahrain and the judiciary's commitment to the guarantees and standards of fair trials; and provide independent judicial control over prisons and detention centers in such a way as to ensure that detainees are protected from torture and ill-treatment, especially during interrogations. It also urged the Special Rapporteur on the Independence of Judges and Lawyers to present a request to visit Bahrain and examine the noncompliance of the courts in Bahrain with the principles of fair courts.

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To read the full report click here

Arabic Version


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