MoI Forces Attack Father and Wife of Martyr Abdulrida Bu Hmayed

2017-09-14 - 8:23 م

Bahrain Mirror: Forces affiliated to Ministry of Interior carried out a raid campaign on Al-Malikiya village on the early hours of Thursday (August 14, 2017). House of family of martyr Abdulrida Bu Hmayed was among the raided houses.

Social media outlets said that the interior ministry forces raided the house of martyr Bu Hmayed, attacked his father and wife and sprayed pepper in faces of home residents. Some accounts stated that a citizen was arrested during these raids.

Bahraini martyr Abdulrida was 28 years old when he sustained a bullet in his head fired by forces affiliated to the army on February 18, 2011. He martyred in the hospital 3 days later.

Arabic Version


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