Nasser bin Hamad Says Will Devote Himself to Supreme Council for Youth and Sports Presidency

2019-03-11 - 10:25 م

Bahrain Mirror: The Bahraini King's son Nasser bin Hamad Al Khalifa announced what he described as a "serious desire to devote himself to the presidency of the Supreme Council for Youth and Sports in the coming period".

This came in the opening speech he delivered at the beginning of the fourth session of the Board of Directors of the Bahrain Olympic Committee held on March 9, 2019 at the Committee headquarters in Seef district in the presence of the members of the Council.

"The next stage represents a new qualitative shift for the youth and sports sector in the Kingdom of Bahrain, which necessitates expanding the powers and mechanisms of the Supreme Council for Youth and Sports so that the Council's policies would be reflected on the ground," he said.

It seems that Nasser bin Hamad wants to leave the presidency of the Olympic Committee only, as he has other positions, most notably being the head of the Royal Guard, a military body that has been made larger and worked on in a more striking way during the past few years.

Arabic Version



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