Ayatollah Qassim: Guardianship of the Jaffaria Waqf in Place of the Legitimate Guardianship is not Legitimate


2021-02-07 - 9:58 ص

Bahrain Mirror: Ayatollah Sheikh Isa Qassim issued a statement on (February 6, 2021) in which he commented on the issuance of royal decree 3/2021 regarding the powers of the Jaffaria Waqf.

Ayatollah Qassim said that the current guardianship of the Jaffaria Waqf in place of the legitimate guardianship, in all its forms, is not legitimate, according to the Jaffaria doctrine.

Below is the full statement

In the name of Allah, the most benefit, the most merciful  

The current guardianship of the Jaffaria Waqf standing in place of the legitimate guardianship, in all its forms, is not legitimate, according to the Jaffaria doctrine, which no Faqih (Islamic law jurist) can find one evidence that this doctrine gives legitimacy to such an inauguration.

Therefore, the legitimacy of every act on which it is based is invalid, and the hand of the waqf acting on the basis of this mandate is deemed aggressive and sinful.

This is one thing, and the other is that the Jaffaria Endowments Directorate and its budget is under the mercy of politics, thus subject to political opinion, and the requirements of its interests, before it is subject to the interests of the owners of endowments.

Politics is known to be unstable. It prioritizes nothing over its interests.

Moreover, the new inauguration is an interference in private doctrinal (Shia) affairs, a repudiation of the sect's right to independence and not be governed, as a religious doctrine, by the existing politics or otherwise.

This detestable matter must be condemned and everyone should take part in this condemnation.

We ask Allah for guidance and the righteous path for all believers and Muslims.

Arabic Version