Jaw Prison Administration Isolates Political Prisoner Ibrahim Al-Samahiji After Meeting with Member of National Institute for Human Rights

Political prisoner Ibrahim Al-Samahiji
Political prisoner Ibrahim Al-Samahiji

2024-06-07 - 1:53 م

Bahrain Mirror: Building 8 in Jaw Central Prison, which houses political prisoners serving long sentences, witnessed widespread anger on Thursday, June 6, 2024, following a visit by former MP Ahmed Al-Salloom, a member of the National Institute for Human Rights, to meet with political prisoner Ibrahim Al-Samahiji, who is serving a life sentence.

Human rights activist Ebtisam Al-Sayegh stated in a post on the formerly Twitter "X" platform that "immediately after Al-Salloom and a member of the institute left the prison building, the prison administration decided to isolate Al-Samahiji along with others who had been isolated following internal movements (such as attending exams or a hospital appointment)."

She added that "Al-Samahiji and his fellow inmates protested against the arbitrary decision to isolate him," warning that "the situation is tense and could explode, and there are concerns that the situation could become more complicated if the prison administration continues its decision to isolate prisoners in buildings unfit for human use."

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